dijous, 29 de novembre del 2007


How are you?¿.....Well now I have finished studying for the theory exam for the driving licence!!!!.......Tomorrow I will have the exam!!!.....I started going to driving school a month and a half ago..... If you pass the driving test un a month and a half you will pay less!!... The price varies, it dipends on the time you are at the driving school!!!


The first year , the people that you have the driving licence, the learners have to show un "L" , like in the photograph and they can't drive at more than 80 km/h. I don't like this but I can't do enything!!!


I hope I will the exam!!!

By!!! and kiSS...:*:*:*:*

***___ rAmOnA___***

dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2007

About my boyfriend!!!


Well...now I will tell you about my boyfriend!!!!We met when I went on holiday to Romania this year!!.... We started going out five months ago...but now we don't go out together. Yesterday when we talked on mobile phone, he spoke very strangly to me!!!...I have seen that boys when are with there friends or family they change quickly and I hate these things!!!...Because of this we don't go out together!!:((:((



dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2007

My B3sT FrienD!!!

She is my best friend, Elena!!She is a perfect, a unique and beautiful friend!!!

Yesterday brought beginning, tomorow brings the end...and somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends!!!

ond ______________ __ Family
Encouragement___________ Reliable
Support________________ Inspiration
Trust__________________ Enjoyment
______________________Never eding


"a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words!!"_____and YoU aRe mY FRieNd!!!____lOvE yoU siSTer!!:X:X:X

divendres, 16 de novembre del 2007


Well, tomorrow is the Alma's Birthday!!!

Happy birthday Alma!!! I hope your birthday is as sweet as you are!!!May all your dreams come true on this your birthday!!!

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